Health, Safety and Welfare

Health, Safety and Welfare

Concern for the individual child, safety, health and development and possibilities for learning are central issues in our nursery.

Of course, we comply with all legal requirements as set by the Public Health Service, the fire department, the Childcare Act and the enforcement policies of the city of The Hague.IMG-20170224-WA0020

Our facilities

In the design of both the interior and exterior spaces we find a good balance between security and challenge. Special attention was paid to the safety of the building. For example, at the entrance there is a two door safety lock, and there are cameras at various locations.

From the point of view of control and security everything in our building is adjusted so that there is a high degree of fire protection, lots of light, safe furniture and equipment and uncluttered spaces. For good health enough exercise and fresh air are necessary. We encourage outdoor play as much as possible (weather permitting), being engaged and active inside and the premises are arranged so that there is always sufficient light and ventilation.

The furniture is ergonomic and child friendly. We carry a thought through toys policy. This means that we encourage the children using the toys and try to challenge them to try new things.

We have a wide range of toys for ages 0 to 4 years. The toys are of  good quality.

We also have games and development materials that focus on the development and realization of Jewish identity.

The spaces and materials are cleaned by a cleaning lady and pedagogical staff according to a fixed cleaning schedule.

In case of illness

We keep a close watch on the health of all children. If a child is ill and / or runs a fever, that child cannot be brought to us. We consider ourselves not sufficiently able to give a sick child the required care and attention. In specific situations (e.g. asthma or during an antibiotics treatment) there will be a consultation with the parents, who will be obliged to sign a form.

When children become ill during their stay at Gan Tzemach HaSadeh, we will always contact you as a parent. We then discuss together how to proceed. A major focus on sick children is the possible contamination hazard to the other children and the pedagogical staff.

Children and personal hygiene

Diapers are provided by the nursery. It is useful to give the child an extra change of clothes in a bag as well as for example a soft toy or pacifier to which the child is very attached.

We ask you to put names on the items you send with your child. Each child has its own place for his / her personal belongings.

During the day the children are changed regularly, in any case at the prescribed times as described in our daily routine. Each child that uses a bed receives its own blanket / sleeping bag and bed sheet from the Gan. This bedding is changed once a week.

When changing the children, everything is done to prevent contamination or soiling.

The children are required to wash their hands before and after eating and after going to the toilet.

If you indicate that your child is ready, we begin the potty training. The children can then regularly go to the special children’s toilet. This is done in consultation with you.